Achieve your ultimate vision of health.
You ever sometimes forget what you are capable of? Ever let doubt take over, and it has negative effects on your health and life?
This course will remind you, inspire you, and teach you to navigate through the doubt and fear, to help you feel like the vibrant healthy, ambitious woman you know is inside of you.
Only good vibes here! Uplift, inspire, educate, and support is my intention.
You deserve to live your happiest and healthiest life, despite all the stuff that's been thrown your way. Don't you?
Lively Living with Lupus is possible!
So excited that you’re here. YAY!!
Love always,
Lydia Romero Johnson, RN, CHC
Also, Get inspired! Enjoy receiving inspiration, positivity, healing tips and more via my newsletter. This is where you can learn about upcoming events, products, services, and more that that are in alignment with holistic healing & lively living with lupus.
Lively Living with Lupus Transformation: Tools, strategies, and resources
Course by: Lydia Romero Johnson
Value: $79
Ever think to yourself, “ I want to come off these meds?” I hear you! I had that same thought. I had to learn how to naturally heal myself, find strategies to manage my lupus. In this course, I will share with you what I’ve learned, what worked, and how to take action. This course will leave you feeling inspired, hopeful, and prepared to begin your healing transformation.
What you get:
E-BOOK: 6 Powerful Tips For Improving your health while living with lupus.
Advocate and Assert
2. Less Stress, Less Flare
3. Food as a tool
4. Establish healthy boundaries
5. Get up and move
6. Self-Care
Audio version of E-BOOK
VIDEO- Coming off medications: The side-effect of these 6 tips.
6 weekly Homework assignments to go along with E-BOOK/audio – PDF
BONUS: Vision Board of healing – create your own – VIDEO and PDF GUIDE
What you will learn?
how to better cope with stress
foods that promote healing
how to advocate for your health
the importance of healthy boundaries to promote healing, and how to set some
How healing shaking your ass really is
Why it’s so important that you make yourself a priority
And more