Starting a new week feeling like shit.
I was always on top of when my next period was due. It was posted on calendars, and I was clear of the signs that it was coming. That was teenage years, up until now-ish.
This 43, almost 44 year old me is, I guess over it. I sometimes forget to write it down, Feel like I’m losing track of the weeks of when it came, and the signs don’t seem to be as clear as they used to be. The past few months, it just kind of surprises me. It’s also coming days earlier, it was always every 28 days.
While I’m grateful for it’s purpose, I am frustrated with it. Not just it, all the hormones that are a part of it’s process. They don’t seem to be serving me as well and I’d hope they would. Maybe it’s just as it’s suppose to be, but I’m not always liking it.
The lower back pain that has been in effect this week is, so stupid. That’s the best I can describe it, it’s stupid.
Okay, mid week I was on a phone call at my desk when an unexpected sneeze hit me, and this lower back of mine locked the hell up, it’s been nagging ever since.
So, it was part sneeze, and part period.
A thought that came to me while in the feels of all of this is “ I’m starting a new week feeling like shit.” I thought the thought, looked at the thought, expressed the thought, and now deciding that’s not the thought I want to start my week with.
Let’s look at the energy of “ I’m starting a new week feeling like shit.”
Every had this feeling?
Not a great way to bring in a new week.
This is what comes up for me when I think it.
Shoulder slumped over towards knees
Energy drain button selected
Blah blah blah da da da is playing it’s rhythm in my head
The thought of all the things that are on the agenda for the week feel heavier
I don’t want to
Middle finger to this week.
SO, I’m deciding to look at this differently. I am choosing another thought to have lead the intentions of this week.
Here’s a thought that comes to mind, that I can get behind. Ready?
Here it is: I am open to the value and insights this week will bring.
OH SNAP! I just sat up in my chair, and my posture and energy have had a shift, more positive and in alignment of desired outcomes.
The energy of the thought “ I’m open to the value and insights this week will bring” feels so good.
I can still have cramps, and feel a little less like I want to feel, and still have a week full of value and insights.
When I reflect on the energy of “ I’m open to the value and insights this week will bring” this is what comes up:
Open to possibilities.
Curious what good this week may bring.
I love value and insights.
Knowing that I’m deciding to lead with this thought brings the sense of curiosity that will guide me this week.
The thought helps me expand with the possibility of the inspiration and creativity that will come from this thought.
This coming week is full of positive possibilities.
I’m smiling as I write this thinking about how it would have felt to carry the other thought into the week. Why would I consciously choose that?
Here’s the thing. Your brain likely defaults to negative. It wants to keep you safe.
Having an awareness of this can be helpful in living more in alignment with how you really want to feel. What you really want to do. How you really want this week to go.
It gets to get better. Our thoughts can help.
Do you have a thought that you are starting this week, day, or hour with that is not really serving you well?
If yes, guess what? You get to change it! Play with the energy of a better feeling thought.
Have a beautiful day humans.
With Love,
P.s- Need a little inspiration here? Maybe this can help. I created these healing quotes and affirmations to promote some positive vibes when having a hard time. Check it out.
Healing Quotes & Affirmations.
Download free pdf now.